09 December 2010

Milk and Honey

(Sweater & Jeans: Urban Outfitters/ Necklace and Plaid shirt: Forever 21/ Lace-Up Boots: Second-hand)

Hey guys! Guessssss what? Only one more day of real school and then two days of finals and I AM DONE. I am ecstatic. You have no idea how badly I just want to snuggle up with hot cocoa, light an evergreen scented candle and just watch movies all day. Lately, the weather has been not so bad which is really great because it gives me the option to wear what I like and not just wear every single cozy long sleeved thing in my closet for sake of not freezing. Us California girls cannot handle anything below 60 degrees, it's madness!

I love this sweater so much, I bought it in two colors. (The other one is forest-y hunter green.) I seriously wish I could buy it in every color but maybe that would be overkill? Well, anyway...the pants are super comfy and those boots are pretty epic don't you think? And is it just me but are thrift stores somewhat hiking up their prices? What is that all about?

Oh yeah, and that necklace? I neglected it for years and then decided to wear it and now I love it all over again but it scares the crap out of my cats because it's noisy.



  1. Ahhhhhhdorable! I love these primary colors and how simple it is! But this is just absolutely perfect.

    I also just bought two of the same sweater at Urban. They are having some serious sweatermania over there and it will surely send me to the poorhouse.

    Best of luck with your finals, my dear!

    .Haiku Ambulance

  2. That sweater is amazing...and yes, I have noticed a price increase at thrift stores. I though it was just this area since it's overall pricey.

  3. Love the lovely yellow sweater - it looks so great on you.


    PS Your blog is fantastic so I'm following you! :)
