25 August 2011

About a Girl

(In this: Cut up Nirvana top and shredded shorts: Urban Outfitters, Red boots: vintage MIA, jewlery: everywhere)

See this? I'm becoming a routine blogger again! I must admit, it's nice to get back into the swing of things.
How amazing are these boots?? I found them at the GoodWill by my house in perfect condition. They're actually by MIA and they are red snakeskin. It's just too perfect.

You might also notice I'm really into cut up clothing and cutting up clothing that was not destroyed to begin with. Perhaps there's just something that says effortless when throwing on something with multiple threads hanging from it or full of holes and/or rips.

And again with the 90's nostalgia, let's see how long this infatuation lasts. I wouldn't be surprised if it lasts forever. Last summer I was obsessed with the seventies and everything Joan Jett and Cherie Currie and still am, it seems as the years pass by, more decades get added to my ever expanding list of obsessions. However this infatuation with a decade where I actually was alive has much more of a chance of sustaining itself for years to come. I'm currently pining for some Doc Martens and a million moody floral dresses.


  1. the boots - ADORABLE!
    and i love the twist in the front of your shirt.
    your outfit is all around splendid!

    - missshesaid.blogspot.com <3

  2. I love this outfit, it has a mix of 1970's rock attire with a blend of hippie inspired style in the mix.


  3. Great outfit, and you have amazing style. Love it!

  4. I'm also obsessed with the '90s right now. Love me some babydoll dresses and chunky lace-up boots! Just discovered your blog and I think your style is amazing! What a great find you've got with those boots!

  5. Cute outfit! Those cut off shorts are so nice, you have an incredible figure!

  6. One word to describe your outfit...awesome. Nice way to tie know to nirvana top. btw are those boots made of lizard leather?
    Atlanta cheap shutters

  7. Oh my god, SO into this outfit. Those boots are out of this world.
