14 October 2011

Teenagers From Mars

(UNIF Tee, Leather pants: H&M, Shoes&bracelets: Forever21)

Hello errrrbody in the cyberworld. It is OCTOBER, my favorite month of the year. When leaves start to turn golden brown and retain the crunchiness of a potato chip...err whatever. I can't even remember how many times I promised a blog update and then failed to come through. Well, here it is! Recently at my work (which I assume most people are already aware that it is Urban Outfitters) we started getting in the UNIF brand, a brand I have become obsessed with since I started cyberstalking Christeric's blog last year so you can imagine my elation when lo and behold, every $70 tshirt I've ever wanted from them is now available at my work for a large discounted price. (thank god for employee discounts, now if only we could get those hellraiser shoes in...)
This shirt says so much about my current mindset. I also recently went on a trip to San Francisco where I picked up these leather pants at H&M. They don't fit as well as I wanted them to, but they will suffice until I find a better pair. I notice I've been wearing a lot of black lately, but I'll try to change it up for you guys who actually read and follow my blog despite my lack of consecutive posts.

Now here you go:


  1. I'm a fan of UNIF as well, I envy your discount! And October is my favorite time of year, too!
