07 May 2012

The Missing Village Person

(Acid Rock Tank: UO, Shredded Levis: thrifted, tights: random k-hole, creepers: TUK, moto hat: Obey, Evil eye necklace: EBAY)

I was listening to a lot of random shit on this day, so my outfit became the sole creation of my brain's musical ability to put clothing together. As soon as I got to work, I was told I look like a gay punk, whilst my other manager called me Alice Cooper and David Bowie. None of it made sense to me at all but I figured, if those are my comparisons, I guess I did something right. I personally felt like the missing member of The Village People...also right up my alley.

Let me tell you, I have been searching for creepers FAR AND WIDE and almost commited to buying a pair for 75 dollhairs, when alas the company I work for (urban) started to carry them on our website. HELLO 40% DISCOUNT. Sold, done, BOOM. I love them.

Also, I FINALLY started my etsy shop. Only two items are posted so far because I haven't had to time for outfitting the clothing yet. STAY TUNED, DUDES!

It's called Closet DAZE, makes sense right?