14 May 2010

Such Great Heights

(Shorts&Blouse: BDG/Wedges: Target/Hair Feather: UO)

Things have been so hectic lately! School is really weighing down on me, and finals are in full effect. I cannot wait until it's over! This is the last week of instruction and then I'm done. Summer is looking very very promising.

I always seem to talk about the weather in my posts, but it just keeps getting warmer and warmer! It's exciting. The shorts in this post were actually once pants, but when the heat rolls around I always manage to create at least three new pairs of cutoffs from jeans I've owned. Jeans are sort of a no-go in 112 degree weather. The wedges, ahhhh the wedges. I've recently stumbled upon a newfound obsession for anything with a sky high wedge or platform. Luckily I was able to pick these ones up at Target (love target) for only thirty bucks. I love a good bargain (as well as a good wedge/platform).

The blue button-up is pretty self-explanitory. I have a severe love for ANYTHING blue.


  1. nice shoes !!!!
    you are so right aout jeans.I do the same when I get bored of one pair of jeans...and also I love how they look...unfinished :)


  2. haha I talk about weather in my posts all the time too.

    I commented on your Chictopia about this look already but I can't get over how great those shorts are! Pairing them up with a blouse and wedges = perfection and chic.

    And Such Great Heights, I love that song!

  3. I love your wedges! The whole outfit is so chic :)

    I'm halfway through my finals, too.. It's killing me :(

    Love your blog, check mine out? :)



  4. haha, ashley. you and i always seem to have sort of a subconscious cohesion. i.e. blue shirts and sky high wedges. are those the 'mom jeans' from last summer you got at urban?
